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M&A – IT plays a large part in the success

Within a Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A) project, the carve-out of all IT resources such as systems, licenses, contracts and teams has a particularly high relevance.

Most projects involve high risks and growing pressure to succeed. The costs are difficult to estimate.

Together with Informatis GmbH, UMa Soft not only helps to make costs visible, but also to minimize them and to successfully implement the Carve Out from start to finish with all its facets.

UMa Soft supports with experience at the CIO level, with tools for the analysis of the enterprise architecture and with systems for the transfer or connection of IT systems.

Do you need competent help in an M&A project?

If you are interested, feel free to contact us via our contact form.

Further information can be found in this flyer:


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